Finding Meaning – What is Life All About?

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, 18th Century German Philosopher


June 27, 2021 – 2:12 PMKaiser Santa Clara Medical Center, Room 3365

A little more than 72 hours before I started writing this post, I was at home making a bowl of oatmeal and blueberries to start the morning. Life was settling down after a physically and mentally challenging year. The hardest days of my heart transplant recovery were behind me. Walking 4-plus miles everyday, doing light strength exercises a few times each week, and working on a couple of mentoring opportunities filled my time.

After enjoying a few spoonfuls of the creamy and fruity breakfast, a phone call I had expected from the heart transplant clinic came in. I was waiting for the results of a quarterly blood test that determines if the medicine needed to protect my heart from rejection was working. Usually, the test results are good and the call is a quick 2-3 minute chat about staying the course. This time was different. 

The 30 minute conversation began with the nurse practitioner telling me to report to the hospital as soon as possible to be admitted. My body’s immune system was preparing to wage a battle against my heart to reject it. This is the most common cause of death for transplant recipients.  Just like that, the wave of comfort, peace, and happiness that I had been riding for a while came violently crashing down on the shore of uncertainty. 

A heart transplant isn’t a cure, it’s a way to live longer and improve the quality of life. It’s so easy to think that a transplant is just a few snip snips, put in the new heart, a couple of stitch stitches and the patient is good to go back to a “normal” life. In reality, it’s a daily grind of staying on top of anti-rejection meds, eating healthy food, exercising, and keeping regular cardiologist appointments. Infection, rejection, and other calamities wait in the wings.

The good news is that the transplant team caught the rejection before it damaged my heart and put a plan in place to fight it. I will get high doses of steroids, a dialysis-like treatment to clean antibodies out of my system, and an infusion of proteins. The bad news is that I have to be in the hospital for at least 11 days to complete the treatment 

That means wearing one of those light blue cotton gowns with an open back for 11 days. That means sleepless nights in a tiny hospital bed for 11 days. That means lousy-tasting food for 11 days. That means hearing the monitors and the sounds of sickness in the hallways for 11 days. That means getting poked to draw blood a few times every day for 11 days. That means not knowing what will happen next for 11 days. 

Lying alone in the dark as a monitor beeps and displays a green line dancing to the heart’s rhythm, I surf social media to see people preparing for 4th of July festivities and frolicking in Cabo, Lake Tahoe, and fun places near and far. Watching people celebrate their freedom from Covid’s loneliness, sadness, and hopelessness plays havoc on the psyche, especially one with an uncertain future. In the darkness of the hospital room, my mind wanders from bemoaning my misfortune to digging deep into the soul to reflect on the meaning of life.

During the height of the pandemic, people were upset that they couldn’t have a normal life. Not being able to go to dinner with friends, visit family, enjoy a ballgame, and much more caused widespread suffering for many people. I thought about St. Paul the Apostle languishing in a Roman prison for years and writing about hope, faith, and love. It reminded me that being a slave to our desires isn’t the pathway to personal peace.

Almost 2,000 years ago, Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius wondered if there was more to life than just “marrying, raising children, getting sick, dying, waging war, throwing parties, doing business, complaining about their own lives.” Sounds familiar, right? That’s what most of us live for. Is life all about sipping a glass of wine in Napa Valley at a posh resort and posting pics on social media to escape the drudgery of daily existence? 

Or is it about surviving “to find some meaning in the suffering,” as German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said. Over the past 11 days, I’ve had a lot of time to think about Nietzche’s perspective. Since there was no damage to my heart, I feel good and energetic. I had to find some way to cope with the fact that 11 days of restricted confinement was my fate on the very weekend that Americans declared independence from Covid restrictions.

Here’s the thing: Just because I felt good when I arrived at the hospital doesn’t mean that all is good. Antibodies were assembling the troops to attack my heart. There was no time to take the holiday week off. It was time to call on my own troops to fight yet another battle. Medically, doctors immediately began executing their plan. Mentally, I was resolved to stay in the moment, use skills I learned in psychotherapy, and put into practice my understanding of Stoic philosophy. It was game on!

Marcus Aurelius also wrote that, “the obstacle on the path becomes the way.” He meant that we must face and work through life’s challenges instead of complaining about them. My diseased and now transplanted heart is the obstacle in my life. Working with it is the way. I decided that I’ll try to have fun while in the hospital. Sandra has been here everyday. The girls trade off being here with her. It’s just like being at home with my family, just not so comfortable.

From the healthcare aides to the nurses, cleaning crew, and nutrition staff, I tried to get to know each member of the hospital team that came into the room. They’re from Nigeria, Kenya, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Yugoslavia, and a few from the east side. We talked about politics, hoops, family, their home countries, and empathized together with the victims of the collapsed building in Florida. 

Believe it or not, this hospital stay has been a rich experience. Have I come any closer to understanding what life is all about? Not a chance. But, I’m learning that taking each moment for what it is and enduring tough times with a little sunshine goes a long way. I’m becoming more convinced that doing fun things from time to time only serves to temporarily soothe the suffering of everyday problems. I truly found meaning in what could have been 11 days of suffering.

July 5, 2021 – 10:36 AMKaiser Santa Clara Medical Center, Room 3365

My cardiologist just left the room. She’s part of a great team of amazing doctors that have cared for me for more than a decade. The news is good. The last of the treatments will be complete by late afternoon and I’ll be discharged later in the evening. I’ll need to do additional blood tests to determine if the plan to rid my body of the heart rejection demons was successful. Until the results come in, I’ll get back to my home routine and just take it a moment at a time. 

19 thoughts on “Finding Meaning – What is Life All About?

  1. Best news today Eddie! Will keep up our prayers for more good news! 🙏 Love you! ❤️

    1. Best of luck, I figure, you’ve come this far, any additional time you have, is a blessing!!

  2. Eddie you’re in my prayers! Thank you for taking me with you on this journey. I love your writing and I’ll share this message with my son Jeff who is also in the hospital (and not finding the fun). Stay well dear friend.

  3. Eddie what a remarkable event you just described. I can see the whole incident played out in your writing and pray that this treatment works and your immune system doesn’t build up a defense against your heart again. Send prayers for healing and strength my friend.

  4. Once again you are an inspiration to me. I feel I am in a daily rut, but you my friend inspire me to look at my days differently. My journey begins because of you. Tu Corazon lleno de amor. Gracias. God Bless!

  5. Eddie, I did a week in the hospital in February and I know what you mean about being in the moment and really interacting with each person who enters your room. I am glad you can go home – 11 days without sleep is a big deal. Sending wishes that your new attitude and new meds add richness to every part of your life! Sending a hug!

  6. Eddie you have always been an inspiration from afar.. I know all is in your favor the world needs you here. Praying for all involved.. Keep the faith..🌺

  7. Cousin…u hang in there ok ur positive attitude and spiritual growth and strength, u got this cuz I will be praying for you and your family.. Also sending hugs big hugs..u just stay positive and keep the faith.

  8. Señor Eddie i’ve been following you on social media for more than three years and every day you inspire me too enjoy every minute of my life.
    I met you at Mjc were you were the MC for for a Latino event ,and the way you connected with our community resonated on me.
    Reading what happened to you and that way you presented to us Has just inspired me to look up to you. please continue to share the way you see life 🙏🏼I’m only 40 years old and I wanna live a happy life and I need a person like you give me life lessons that I treasure deep in my heart. Gracias

  9. So sorry to hear you are not well. But again I love reading and following your story. You are so positive and uplifting for me. I pray the lord gives you more time to spread your joy and faith with the world! 💕 Love you, Sandra Uribe

  10. What a nice way to approach life and health.
    Keep up the good work talking to your heart and keeping us informed and inspired to do better to live life every day.
    Thank you Eddie

  11. Eddie, every word that I Read has so much meaning. Your writing is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing . Prayers continued.🤗🙏

  12. Great to read your perspective as always, thank you for your journal. Hope you are back stronger. Congrats on the continued mentoring.

  13. Continued prayers for you Eddie. Your story has been very inspiring and I’m glad to hear that you’re doing better. May Idaho continue working as you get stronger with the process that they did.🙏🏼😍🤗

  14. Eddie I just went back n read your last blogs. it’s amazing how strong a person you are. If we think like you we’ll have a better understanding of life! You’re an amazing writer! Love you mijo! <3.

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